We recognized that eastern McLean County seniors needed a place for resources, activities, education and exercise. Our Founder, Barb Whiteman, applied to become a nonprofit and Living Well United (LWU) was born in 2018. Living Well United started hosting events for seniors in restaurants and churches but in 2020 we received the Casey’s closed convenience store. A group of amazing volunteers got to work on the renovations and opened the center in July of 2020, allowing our wonderful center to have a space to serve eastern McLean County.

LWU Core Values
Loving | Inclusive, Serving/Teamwork | Fellowship | Resource/Referral

Living Well United is designed to be for seniors run by seniors! We believe that keeping seniors engaged in our communities benefits everyone. Our seniors do community projects that use their time, talent, work experience, education, and wisdom which in turn reduces their feelings of loneliness and isolation. We have a passion for bringing services to seniors! Because we are bringing needed resources to rural seniors they are able to stay in the best mental and physical shape possible so they can safely remain in their own homes in our rural communities-which truly is their hearts desire.